About Us 2019-01-30T09:07:48+00:00

OPES Solutions Group strives to create a true partnership with each and every one of our clients.

What makes us different? Our goals are your goals.

OPES Solutions Group maintains a focus on Human Factors through our multi-faceted, holistic approach. Through our voluntary safety reporting programs (which are tailored specifically to individual industries), in which employees are empowered with the ability to take a proactive role in optimizing performance, efficiency, and safety.  In addition, we assist companies in analyzing accurate and detailed aggregate data from which conclusions can be drawn to take corrective action aimed at preventing incidents/accidents from occurring. Also, we optimize operational performance by focusing on all facets of operations to build efficiency within your organization.

Our proven onsite coaching services:

  1. Human Factors Training- Teach and mentor employees in an interactive manner to define, identify, and mitigate risk throughout your operations
  2. Crew Resource Management (CRM) – Teach and mentor your employees on interpersonal communication, leadership, and decision-making skills
  3. Leadership Development- Develop and mentor all employees to be more effective leaders in an interactive and collaborative manner
  4. Project Management for Rig Move projects to streamline your operations for a healthy profit margin

Our mission is to provide the energy, medical, transportation, and maritime industries with the highest quality of performance and safety solutions. This, in turn, will reduce human error and maximize profits. At OPES Solutions Group, we offer experienced advisors and a tailored technology suite. These training concepts are proven and in use around the world. Family comes first at OPES, therefore, our employees flourish while maximizing customer budgets and achieving stated goals. OPES will work hand in hand with your organization to achieve customer satisfaction and maximum efficiency.